3Q BEER has been passionately developed to become an exclusive brew. A 9° Tripel with a character of its own, Belgian and open minded, a hearty beer with just a subtle bitterness and a hint of sweetness.
3Q BEER has been developed as a tribute to Dr. Luc Isebaert.
Dr Isebaert passed away in 2019, leaving the Solution Focused World with a vast set of views, phylosophical insights, techniques, ideas and inspirations. An authentic thinker, he was one of the original pioneers of Solution Focused work and together with Steve De Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg one of the most ardent developers and promoters of the model. His ‘Bruges Model’ for Solution Focused Cognitive Systemic Therapy and the Korzybski Institute are but some of his legacies. The three questions for a good life, being one of the most accessible and humble techniques of this ‘bon vivant’ son of a Flemish brewer family, 3Q BEER seemed an appropriate tribute for this generous man.
Enjoy the beer, the questions and the spirit of Luc.


The inspiration behind 3QBEER




The story and partners of 3QBEER

At the 2017 SF World conference in Frankfurt I joined a small group, the then “International taskforce” gathered and the idea of a solution-focused world day was launched. The date would be the 3rd of May in memory of the acceptance for publication of Steve De Shazer’s article: “The death of Resistance” on May 3’d 1983.
The following year a Belgian group with VVDO, Korzybski and Ilfaro joined efforts for the celebration of this SFworld day.
With my non-profit organization, Thepco vzw I launched a small social media campaign promoting the “Three questions on three May” idea and it boomed with thousands of shares, likes and hits, and many translations in different languages.
An idea for the next edition was beer coasters with the three questions.
Although why stop at beer coasters when you have a couple of passionate and talented brewers living in your town.
I got in touch with Jan and Pieter from Brouwerij B and the result, after of course, a diligent process of tasting and judging is 3q beer.

Sebastien Vernieuwe


shop Brouwerij B

Dr. Luc Isebaert

Luc Isebaert (Zwevezele, 22 May 1941 – Ostend, 30 September 2019) was a Belgian neuropsychiatrist ,psychotherapist and world authority on Solution-Focused therapy. He obtained his doctorate in 1966 from the Faculty of Medicine of the KU Leuven. He was the founder and inspirer of the Korzybski Institute for Solution-Focused Therapy and of the Bruges Model for Brief Therapy. He was also a founding member of several national and international professional associations (EBTA, IASTI, Erickson Insitute Antwerp, AERTS, AFACC). He is considered one of the greatest authorities in the world of solution-focused therapy. His “Three Questions for a Good Life” are known all over the world.


I was reading Epicure at the time.
Most of Epicure’s writings are lost to us. But enough survives to give us a general idea of his
thinking. For him, philosophy was useless if it did not help us to be happy.

And the conditions for happiness were two:
– We can be happy if we do things that we can be satisfied with (that is, if we practice
habits that are congruent with our personal morals, our existential choices;
– And we can be happy if we can be content with what we have.
It seemed to me that this was precisely what these patients lacked: they had lost their
existential perspectives.

So I formulated the
Three Questions for a Happy Life:
1. What did I do that I am happy with? (That I am satisfied with?)
2. What did someone else do that I am happy with, or that I am grateful for? And: did in
react in a positive way (i.e. in such a way that this person might do something like that again)?
3. What do I see around me, what do I hear, feel, smell, taste that I am happy with or
grateful for?

These three questions proved to be a hit. We had them printed on little cards and clients
snapped them up, posted them on their refrigerator, reflected two or threeminutes on them and felt good.

From “Solution Focused Cognitive and Systemic Therapy” (Routledge 2017)
Dr. Luc Isebaert


The Korzybski Institute, birthplace of the Bruges Model is one of the oldest and largest Solution Focused training and research institutes in the world.
A short history
The first Korzybski Institutes, those of Belgium, France and the Netherlands, were founded in 1982 as training institutes in systemic and Ericksonian psychotherapy.
In 2010 they were united in Korzybski International.
After the development of the first element of the Bruges model, the vision on therapy as restoring freedom of choice, and the resulting attention for the patient’s own goals, for his competencies and for the exceptions to symptom behaviour, followed in 1990 the contact with Steve de Shazer. The solution-oriented model he developed appeared to be so similar to the Bruges vision that it seemed obvious that it would fit in with this movement.
The later development of the theory of habits brought a connection to the ideas of cognitive behavioural therapy. Hence the model is now described as solution-oriented cognitive therapy or as solution-oriented cognitive and systemic therapy, because systemic thinking continues to play an important role in our practice.
Finally, in 2008 there was the collaboration with Barry Duncan, Scott Miller and Bruce Wampold, the most important representative of the Client Directed, Outcome Informed movement, who took over Jerome Frank’s and Michael Lambert’s torch in research into what works in psychotherapy, i.e. which therapy is truly evidence-based. The general factors (Common Factors or Non-Specific Factors) and client feedback appear to account for the lion’s share of the result. And let this be what the Bruges Model is all about.

Korzybski international
Korzybski International and/or its staff members are (mostly founding) members of the IASTI (International Association of Solution-Focused Teaching Institutes), the European Family Therapy Association (EFTA), the International Family Therapy Association (IFTA), the European Brief Therapy Association (EBTA), the Solution Focused Brief Therapy Association (SFBTA), of the Solutions in Organisations Linkup (SOL), of the Belgian Association of System Psychotherapy Trainers (BVOS), of the Belgian Association for Relationship and Family Therapy and System Intervention (BVRGS), the Association Européenne pour la Recherche en Thérapie systémique (AERTS) and last but not least: the Flemish Association of Experts in Solution-Focused Cognitive and Systemic Therapy, Educational Science and Coaching (VVDO).
A number of the staff members are or were also active in other institutes, such as the Cercles de Compétences in Lyon (France), the Cerfasy in Neuchâtel (Switzerland), the Institute for Solution- Focused Therapy in Chicago and Sturgeon Bay, WI (USA). Korzyski International also cooperates, in Belgium with the Faculty of Psychology of the Université de Mons-Hainaut and with Howest, in the Netherlands with the RINO Noord-Holland in Amsterdam and with Talent in Eckelrade, in Peru with the Centro Latino de Teràpia Sistemica Breve, and with the Heart and Soul of Change Project (USA).
Training institute
Korzybski International currently organizes a four-year training in Solution-Focused Cognitive and Systemic Therapy (post-graduate level), a two-year counsellor training (post-graduate level) and a 12-day practitioners training. These trainings in Bruges, Antwerp and sometimes Ghent are attended by over two hundred students each year.
The Korzybski Institute has produced several thousands of Solution Focused Alumni in over three decades of its existence.